Stay with Sound Health
“Prevention is better than cure” goes the old wise saying. It is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to recover health if it is once lost. Fresh and clean food, water and air are essential to keep good health. In order to make sure freshness and cleanliness of these things, it is necessary for us to see and practice certain rules of sanitation.
By keeping one’s teeth, finger-nails and body clean, by eating clean food and by inhaling pure air one can keep oneself healthy. It is important to keep the food covered to prevent contamination by flies and other insects and by dust and dirt. Every person in a society is responsible to take care of his personal as well as community health. The people should give importance keeping their surroundings clean and free from pollution to avoid health-hazards.
Spitting indiscriminately, sneezing without covering the mouth and nose and smoking in public area, are some of the habits which are undesirable as they may cause serious health problems for others. Everybody should give up such habit.
In order to keep good health every person should meticulously try to see the basic rules of health and sanitation.
“Prevention is better than cure” goes the old wise saying. It is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to recover health if it is once lost. Fresh and clean food, water and air are essential to keep good health. In order to make sure freshness and cleanliness of these things, it is necessary for us to see and practice certain rules of sanitation.
By keeping one’s teeth, finger-nails and body clean, by eating clean food and by inhaling pure air one can keep oneself healthy. It is important to keep the food covered to prevent contamination by flies and other insects and by dust and dirt. Every person in a society is responsible to take care of his personal as well as community health. The people should give importance keeping their surroundings clean and free from pollution to avoid health-hazards.
Spitting indiscriminately, sneezing without covering the mouth and nose and smoking in public area, are some of the habits which are undesirable as they may cause serious health problems for others. Everybody should give up such habit.
In order to keep good health every person should meticulously try to see the basic rules of health and sanitation.